The question ‘why there is suffering’ is a universal-unknown to the whole of mankind...
This book is short and to the point. There are no lengthy, glib stories; or “God spoke to me” declarations of unique or special revelation.
This book declares what is already known, but is seldom made knowable because our culture, our media, our pulpits, our intellects, and our constant pursuit in seeking relief from suffering prohibit it from joining its truth with our hearts.
Yes, this book is about my personal journey and the conclusions I had drawn from Scripture, so someone could say it’s all my opinion. But I have yet to find anyone who was able to counter my conclusions with either scriptural truths or observable facts. This ‘truth’ that is seldom made knowable is a difficult juxtaposition of the obvious world of suffering in which we live and the notion that a ‘good’ God divinely wills this suffering to exist.
To the secular person, the coexistence of universal suffering and a ‘God who loves you’ is worthy of mockery. For the believer who cannot reconcile God’s goodness with suffering, there can be nothing ahead except moral confusion, fear, and trials of faith.
But believers are called to a higher purpose. 1Peter 3:15, commands: “ ready always to give an answer…[for the] hope that is in you.”
You can’t give an answer if you don’t know the answer. Why God Wills You to Suffer exposes the truth about suffering that the modern ‘feel good’ church does not talk about.